Twins Antenatal Preparation - be empowered and informed


Twins Birth & Postnatal Planning Session & Toolkit

For a positive and confident twin pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. Because twins and multiples can easily feel more medicalised and with less choices. But this is not necessary the case. And all mothers of multiples can definitely have an empowered twin pregnancy and birth. Move from fear to confidence.

This is an important supportive session that I offer, that I feel really passionately about as a twin mother myself. Because all births can be positive births, and the right support and preparation can make a huge difference. Often women who are pregnant with twins or more can feel like they are on a very medicalised route with little choice in place or mode of birth. This can lead to difficult feelings around your pregnancy. And perhaps you don;t feel you are being given information on an individual basis - that you are a ‘twin pregnancy’ and so your care team are going into ‘default mode’. So you don't really know what options and choices they have, or know that simple things that could make a big difference.

It is important for ALL parents to be to really know what to expect from birth and postnatally. And how to get bespoke and individualised care and support. Ans I want to change that with this offering.

So this is a specific one-off session for women/couples to help you plan for a twin birth in a positive way. Whether vaginal or caesarean, I want to prepare and inform you in practical ways, and to give you tools and techniques to create a calm, empowering and personal twin birth experience. It can take quite a lot of mental preparation which we'll look at, especially if you'd been hoping for a different type of birth.

As well as exploring the postnatal period and recovery afterwards, and feeding a caring for twins and how you might best prepare for this antenatally too.

We'll meet virtually or in person (covid permitting) for a one off session to look at exploring what's important to you, look at the practicalities of caesarean birth on the day, how to prepare beforehand, and create a unique birth plan to ensure you birth your baby in a positive way.

Plus I'll share with you lots of resources, tips, techniques and my unique twin birth guide, recovery guide,and birth preferences template too.

Full details and booking please email me - where you can get in touch to book your session and feel positive, calm and fully prepared for your twins arrival.
Susan x

Mother of twins