yoga freebies

yoga videos, mp3 downloads & yoga guides

I have recorded some mp3 audio downloads, to enable you to practice some of the breathing techniques, relaxations and visualisations I do in my classes and workshops, in the comfort of your own home.  

There are also some videos available from my YouTube channel - see below, and I'll also be adding some printable guides soon - watch this space! If you would like to know when more are added please subscribe to my newsletter below, and you'll be the first to know. 


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Breath Awareness

Awareness of the breath in the body is a lovely way to settle and balance the mind, and become present in the moment. You can build this practice slowly (say 2 or 3 minutes), gradually increasing the duration over time. Some days will feel easier than others, but keep with it and you will reap the benefits for life.



Body Scan

Finally, a good excuse to simply lie down and do nothing! Although, it would be misleading to say that the body scan practice is simply about relaxation. Rather, the aim is to be aware of the different regions of your body, and allow yourself to experience how each part feels, without trying to change anything or judging. Just being with what is there. The body scan is a way to get in touch with your body, and the mind-body connection. To  help you let go of feelings of needing to get stuff done,  to move from 'doing mode' to simply being, by training your attention.

You begin the practice by lying on the floor, or a mat, or your bed. In essence you start by focusing your attention at the top of your head and then move down the body to the toes, or vice versa. It’s good to start with a guided practice to get a sense of how to move your attention up or down the body - so here is a free audio download I've recorded for you, you can listen here or download it. Enjoy! 


Relaxation Break

Even if you've only got five minutes to spare, you've still got time to relax and breathe.

I've recorded this special 'relaxation break' mp3 to guide you to a more calm and grounded state of mind anytime of day.  Giving yourself the 'permission' to take five minutes out of your busy day to revive and refresh. Click below and you can listen here or download it for free. Suit optional!

One Minute Meditation

A simple, short but effective one minute meditation to pause and bring ourselves to our centre.

Take the shortest pause to come back to yourself

I hope you enjoy it.


Loving Kindness Meditation for Self-Care

A simple guided meditation, to support you in cultivating ease and sweetness in mind and in your heart as well. This is a simple ‘loving kindness’ practice, a blessing of ease and well being we offer to ourselves and to others. It’s a really beautiful meditation, one of my favorites. I really hope you enjoy it.

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Yoga For A Good Nights Sleep 

 So many people in the modern world suffer from insomnia or poor sleep quality. Our minds race all day long, we use screens right up until the moment we try to fall asleep…and then we can’t! Certain yoga postures can be very effective in preparing the body for deep, restful sleep and even a really short practice before bed can be really helpful. In this short guide I'll show you four yoga postures will help you to unplug and unwind, calming the body and the mind ready for a good nights sleep.  You can practice on a mat, or on your bed in your pyjamas (making the transition to sleep even easier).  See how this little self-care ritual helps you ease body and mind into a more relaxed space ready for a good nights sleep. Sweet dreams!

Here’s a short sequence you can download for free. If you want to know so much more about how yoga can help you have a better nights sleep (including more sequences, breathing practices, meditation and deep relaxation of yoga nidra then join me on my NEW ‘Yoga For Better Sleep Workshop’ - more details here).


The Yoga For Modern Life YouTube Channel

Join me on YouTube for some lovely self-care practices, some easy movement and some pregnancy yoga too. Just click the link below. And don't forget to 'subscribe' to the channel so you find out when new videos are added (and when I reach enough subscribers I get to have a more catchy YouTube URL too - which will certainly help!!)



Counted Breathing Relaxation

Coming soon!